How To Redeem Axis Bank Credit Card Reward

How To Redeem Axis Bank Credit Card Reward

How To Redeem Axis Bank Credit Card Reward Point in Cash : By using your Axis Bank credit card for your everyday transactions such as grocery shopping, buying movie tickets, paying mobile bills, booking flights or hotels, etc. you can earn reward points. The reward points can be exchanged for merchandise, gift vouchers, charity donations, etc. The rate of reward-earning differs from credit card to credit card. Some give rewards on renewal, others offer on spending more than a specific amount.

Club Vistara Points on Axis Bank Credit Cards

Axis Bank has launched a few credit cards in collaboration with Vistara Airlines. Users will earn Club Vistara Points on these credit cards instead of the normal Axis eDGE rewards. The table below shows reward earnings for Axis Bank credit cards co-branded with Vistara Airlines.

Air Mile Conversion Rate for Axis Bank Credit Card Reward Points

Axis Bank with its collaboration with Jet Airways and their Jet Privilege program brings its credit card users the opportunity to convert their reward points into Jet Airways air miles or JPMiles. The offer is available on all Axis Bank credit cards.

The conversion rate for eDGE Loyalty Reward Points to JPMiles is 5:1. This means you can convert every 5 reward points for 1 JPMile.

How to convert Axis Bank Reward Points into Air Miles?

If customers want to convert their reward points into JPMiles they can do this by calling up Axis Bank and quoting their JetPrivilege membership number along with their Customer ID. After that, they have to tell the customer care executive the amount of reward points they want to convert to JPMiles.

How To Redeem Axis Bank Credit Card Reward Point in Cash
Can I convert my reward points to cash?

Customers can usually redeem reward points for gift cards and vouchers from credit card companies. Only a few credit card companies allow customers to convert reward points into cash, which can then be used to repay the outstanding balance.

Can you redeem credit card points for cash?You can redeem credit card points for things like travel, merchandise, cash back, gift cards, exclusive events and donations, and you can usually redeem them through your online account. Typically, points will be worth at least 1 cent each when redeemed, but that’s not universal.

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