Know about Abhawas Village location, History, Development, Population, Tourist place
Abhawas Village, Population, Area, Total houses, Travel and Temples
Abhawas is situate in Rajasthan state, Sikar District, at Shrimadhopur Block. With the total area of 1908 hectare this village code is 082075. As well as this beautiful village way from sub-district headquarter Sri Madhopur and 65km away from district headquarter Sikar. Hence 2009 stats, Abhawas village is also a gram panchayat. According to 2011 census Abhawas village total population is 9,626 peoples. Total male population is 5,062 and female population is 4,564.
Further, In Abhawas Public and Private Bus services are available and many foreign tourists visit this village. Thus there are about 1,505 Houses in Abhawas village according to the census of 2011. Besides it, As per 2019 stats, Abhawas villages comes under Khandela assembly & Sikar parliamentary constituency. Subsequently Reengus is nearest town to Abhawas which is approximately 15 km away from this village.
Beautiful Green City Abhawas with Brief Summary
Name of Village : | Abhawas |
Gram Panchyat : | Abhawas |
Block / Tehsil : | Sri Madhopur |
District : | Sikar |
State : | Rajasthan |
Pincode : | 332602 |
Area : | 1908 hectares |
Population : | 9,626 |
Total Male Population : | 5,062 |
Total Female Population | 4,564 |
Households : | 1,505 |
Assembly Constituency : | Khandela |
Parliament Constituency | Sikar |
Nearest Town : | Reengus (15 km) |
Tourists Place : | God Ramdev Temple, Balaji temple, Cowshed, Fort Monuments |
Health Infrastructure : | CHC Abhawas Smpr |
Play Ground : | Near 1600 Meter Racing Ground |
Special Fairs : | Balaji Fair, Mahashivratri Fair, Auspicious Kalash Yatra, Dashahra Fair |
Education Status : | Government Senior Secondary School |
Total Covid Vaccination till 18 May 2021 : | 1755 |
Transportaiton Service : | Public and Private Bus Services |
Ancient History of Abhawas Village
As well as, we heard from our forefathers, ABHAWAS village was founded by a farmer named “ABHA” Jat 500 years back. Further it is told by the senior villagers that at the place where “BHOMIYA-JI-KI-CHHATARI” is situated there was a pond and was surrounded by the deep forest. During this time, Abha was going from one place to another place across the forest. Further all, at the time of evening he reached on the bank of the above pond. After then, the above forest was full of wild animals the farmer decided to stay on a tree situated on the bank of the above pond so that he may be safe from the wild animals. Above all at the midnight he saw that a lion and a goat were came to drink water from the pond. And Incidentally goat was came from another side of the pond.
Finally lion went into the forest without prey of goat. Thus, ABHA Jat seen the entire episode from the tree by his own eyes thought a very strong animal despite his all-out efforts could not succeeded to prey a poor animal. And this was happened due to the holiness of the soil. In conclusion, he decided to make his home here.
Sustainable Development and Geographical Location of Abhawas
As well as Abhawas is the place where you can see natural beauty with innocent peoples. Moreover people contributes and provide help foreign and domestic peoples. Afterward with the help of local community a foundation of with the name of “Balaji Temple” runs which provides donations for cow animal feedings and other essential activities. Whereas to see Abhawas village cultural activity and ancient temple monuments many tourists comes to visit the place.
Surrounded nearest Villages near Abhawas Village
Of course, there are many small villages are located near Abhawas village. As Kerpura ( 4 KM ) , Tapiplya ( 4 KM ) , Lamiya ( 6 KM ) , Chomu Purohitan ( 7 KM ) , Khatoo ( 7 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Abhawas. Abhawas is surrounded by Sri Madhopur Tehsil towards East , Govindgarh Tehsil towards East , Khandela Tehsil towards North , Piprali Tehsil towards North .
Reengus , Sri Madhopur , Sikar , Udaipurwati are the near by Cities to Abhawas.
Abhawas Village Population and Census according 2011
Total Population -9626
Total No of Houses -1505
Female Population % -47.4 % ( 4564)
Total Literacy rate %-61.4 % ( 5911)
Female Literacy rate -23.5 % ( 2258)
Scheduled Tribes Population- % 4.3 % ( 411)
Scheduled Caste Population %- 20.7 % ( 1989)
Working Population % -32.3 %
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011- 1480
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011- 43.4 % ( 642)
Famous Religious Temples and Tourist places in Abhawas
There are many religious places in Abhawas. Annually many tourists comes here to visit this natural place.
- Goga ji Maharaj Temple
Abhawas; Rajasthan 332404; India
1.3 KM distance - Lord Shiva Temple
Abhawas; Rajasthan; India
1.4 KM distance - Balaji Mandir
Abhawas; Rajasthan 332404; India
1.5 KM distance - Lord Shiv Mandir Dadiya Road
Abhawas; Rajasthan 332404; India
1.8 KM distance
Restaurants and Hotels Resorts in Abhawas Village
- Saini Juise center- Main Choraha, Abhawas, Rajasthan 332602
- Hanuman ji mandir Restaurant- Abhawas, Rajasthan 332404
- Tea Stall Restaurant- Itawa, Rajasthan 303602
Abhawas Village and Nearest Hospitals and Healthcare
- Abhwas CHC Hospital- in the mid of the Village.
- Khatoo Shyamji Govt. CHC Hospital
- JD Hospital- Reengus, Sikar Rajasthan
- Dhyal Hospitals – Reengus, Sikar Rajasthan
Petrol Pumps and Lubricant Oil filling Stations near Abhawas
- Saurabh filling Station- Petrol pump saurabh filling station, Jansa
- Petrol Pump- LAPUWA, Lampuwa, Rajasthan
- HP Petrol Pump KhatooShyam ji- HPC Petrol Pump Temple Road Khatu Shyamji, Jaipur, Rajasthan 332602
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- Abhawas village Development
- Abhawas village History
- Abhawas Village location
- Abhawas Village monuments
- Abhawas village population
- Abhawas village total houses
- Abhawas village tourist